the ALTER~EGO Exhibition

June 12th - 22nd

The BLANC Art Space*

reception: June 12th, 5:30 pm


Clark Kent had Superman…

a brilliant alias that channeled his beliefs, intentions, and superpowers, and a part of himself that was known to very few.

Introspective and personal, alter-egos express a creative outlook and deep understanding that ideas, beliefs, and beings do not always manifest in one visage, and can change appearance by necessity or desire. One’s alter-ego can express varied elements of one’s being, perhaps a deep connection to nature, a political passion, a mythological counterpart, or even an animal guide.

Introducing the Winners!

Honorable Mention Artists:

Exhibition Partner:

*LOCATION: The BLANC Art Space is located at: 15 East 40th Street, 11th floor, New York city

About The BLANC:
The BLANC Art Space is dedicated to promoting and advancing visual, performing, and creative art through a series of exhibitions, performances, presentations, panels, and outreach programs. We are committed to forging an innovative and inspiring art exchange platform to help young artists start their incredible art journey and in which all people have the opportunity to collectively share the rich aesthetic, creativity, inclusion, and humanity of the art.
