edie nadelhaft

Edie Nadelhaft
“I aim to disrupt the historical narrative of portraiture, and by extension, concepts of personal identity and vanity put forth in the genre, by suggesting that the truest depiction of the individual is the unique idiosyncrasy of one's physical body: this data, not your appearance or social stature, is who you are. Bypassing traditional signifiers of individual worth such as physical beauty, wealth and power that have been depicted throughout centuries of formal portraiture, these paintings revise the definition of the self to align more closely with the demands of an increasingly digital culture. It may seem dehumanizing on the face of it but also quite egalitarian, and more consistent with the reality of what it means to exist in a finite physical state. Conspicuous displays of wealth have long been a staple of portraiture, and the ornate gold frames in which portraits are typically exhibited bestow importance upon the subject, and upon the painting, as both cultural artifact and commodity. This work echoes and gently mocks those traditions, while also making the point that in the current technological environment, personal data has become its own form of currency, aka gold.”
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