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Ekaterina Busygina

Guest User
Ekaterina Busygina

"I'm an architectural photographer."

"Modern city is the quaint city of skyscrapers, a mazes reflections. It is always new and never stops to amaze, it gives a new look, gives new perspectives. Cities are always in a hurry and these skyscrapers are silent guards, which are turned to the sky, but by staying for a second and then lifting the sight up, you'll see in the sun another world - a world of slender geometry, architectural harmony, in its pure perfection."

"I am inspired by the architecture and design in all its forms and manifestations. For me, an architecture is a reflection of character and aspirations of person, and that's why it is so attractive."

See Me and Squarespace are proud to present the story of photographer Ekaterina Busygina.

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