Eva Breitfuß

Eva Breitfuß

“Color has taken prime importance within my work. It represents the light which is reflected in each one of us. This may contribute to experience a new quality of perception. The philosophy that guides my work is to explore the relationship between consciousness and energy. It is about space, light, presence, and the infinite. My interest and curiosity lead me to explore multi-dimensionality. The multi-dimensionality in my work invites you to engage with the Unknown. My artworks are related to my person and at the same time, they are an attempt to get closer to the soul of the human being. I consider myself as a medium that helps the Unknown to express itself.”

— Eva Breitfuß

Eva Breitfuß raised in Germany is self-taught in the Arts. She is holding a Diploma for PT (1985), The Feldenkrais Method® (1998), and Brennan Healing Science® (2005). Living and working in Germany and the USA, Eva Breitfuß is combining her Art, ‘Art Of Presence’ with her own modality of her work in the field of consciousness, 'Der Leere Raum'/ The Empty Space. Besides her work as a visual artist, she works as an Inspirator and Mentor. With her work, 'Der Leere Raum'/ The Empty Space she has been accompanying people for more than 35 years in her practice for consciousness and personal transformation.