"I am what I do, and I do what I am".
I see myself as a lifetime artist, always expressing myself in both pictures and poems. First, I wanted to be an architect like my father, but I had no interest in houses nor construction. However, cartoons, fantasy, psychology, philosophy, and rock music had my full attention. I was fond of the hippie environment, and the culmination of this seemed to explode when I was 21 and decided to live as an artist. I started by moving into a collective together with a group of other musicians and artistically minded people; it was a milestone in my life, and I have been working with my art ever since.
The educational part of my art has followed my life; I worked for seven years at my dad's drawing office and learned about architecture. I studied art and religion at the Teacher's Seminarium, and learned painting by older masters and through intense self-studies.
My painting is my guideline, though not even I understand the direction. That's why my art and I are two sides of the same coin and become what we become through an internal dialogue.