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katie green

Guest User
katie green

Katie Green

“My perspective on identity and self-reflection is that it humanizes us. It simultaneously sets us apart from one another while bringing us together. The question of, "who am I?" is a question of privilege. We are living in a world that is driven by identity and notions of 'self' and "I". When we are surrounded by consumerism and materialism, this notion of self becomes driven by the desire to want to be more, to be different, and to be better. The self becomes a derived by something external as we endlessly seek for the 'something' else that will help define who we are. But what happens when we look internally? This is not a unique question or idea, yet it is something that we are so challenged to do. I believe that by looking inwards we find a shared identity that is part of this human experience. We find fear, vulnerability, doubt, joy, desire, playfulness, and the list continues. We find the core of feeling which then helps us identify ourself in the external world. I have witnessed what is possible when people move from this space and I continue to explore this in my practice.”

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