Natalia Zvonkova

Natalia Zvonkova

“I was born and raised in the Soviet Union. Gray houses, school uniform, the same faded clothes, and furniture in the identical flats. Perhaps a lack of color in my childhood explains my thirst for brightness.  I just cannot force myself to create something monochrome.

Prominent characters, colors, a variety of images, forms, and patterns - this is my style, this is my nature, this is my answer to a gray monotony of daily routine. Furthermore, perhaps this is a return to my roots. Screaming colors of jewelry and clothes of Slavic women always attracted my interest. One of my most favorite methods of work is to take a blank canvas, lay it flat on the floor, turn on Mozart, and without any preliminary plan, to paint, in accordance with the momentary mood. That is how I begin to work on my series of square paintings.

Spontaneously mixing oil paints on canvas with a palette knife and a brush, getting unexpected combinations and bizarre figures, I get an extraordinary creative pleasure. At a time when colors and shapes have developed in a harmonious combination, I begin to see figures of people and animals. Sometimes, it is enough to add a few details and an abstract spot turns into a figure. Unconsciously, I get images that are related to a problem that worries me. It can be a problem of loneliness, helplessness, aging, or generational conflict.

If color is my undisputed champion, then texture rightfully occupies an honorable second place. I like to make collages, tear and glue paper or fabric, scratch the surface, getting unexpected surprises.

I often hear from artists that they trying to move from realism to abstraction. In my case, I go in completely opposite direction.  Personality, a figure, a person is of most interest to me. I am trying to balance on the edge between figurative art and abstraction. The search for a unique style, plot, texture for me is not over. I am on the way, but I hope, the result of this search can be brought to the judgment of my viewers.”

— Natalia Zvonkova

Natalia Zvonkova was born in Russia. However, she began her artistic career with a move to Ukraine in 2009. The creative spirit in the ancient city of Kiev with its legends and ever-present folklore served as a catalyst for her creativity. After 10 years in Kiev, Natalia moved to Almaty and is currently experiencing a creative rebirth, inspired by the vibrant cultural traditions of the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

Natalia Zvonkova defines her style as figurative expressionism. She likes to start her work spontaneously without a specific preliminary plan. Inspired by the combination of colors and shapes, she creates unique images of people, animals, and birds.

Recently a collage technique appeared in the work of Natalia. By creating whimsical images from her own drawings, using various mediums, the artist gets compositions, filled with peculiar details. Large canvases, bright colors, and unusual figures create the recognizable style of Natalia Zvonkova.

Allowing her brush to move freely on the canvas, Natalya takes out images from her subconscious, exploring her experiences and emotions.  The main leitmotif of the artist's work is life in harmony with nature and with oneself.

Natalia has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Ukraine.  She also had three solo exhibitions in Kiev. Natalia's works can be found in private collections all over the world, in the USA, the Netherlands, Vienna, and the United Arab Emirates.

Natalia’s Website

Instagram: @zvonkovan