Sarah Moody

Sarah Moody
“My younger sister, and closest companion, Claire, became my muse in those early days while I explored photography as an art form. She stayed my muse, as you see, even now, 2 years posthumous. Our close relationship created an environment that fostered comfort ability and love, rare to find between photographer and muse. This gave me the opportunity to document her in intense, joyful, and later excruciating realness. Claire’s infectious personality allowed her to express herself and her life so deeply, and so fully. Lucky me to have her as a subject. Documenting Claire helped me to develop as a photographer, and added extra richness to our relationship as sisters, allowing our bond to blossom in unique new depths. It was important for both of us as we grew, me as an artist and her as a woman, a brave warrior, and a lover of life. She was seen, and loved, and respected. In 2012, Claire was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare cancer starting in the bone. Watching her live, fight and eventually die, taught me how to live, and love. She reminded me that the important things in life are family, happiness and love. As she always quoted, there’s nothing life to do but smile smile smile. “
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