Thom Kerr

"I am an artist using the medium of fashion photography to explore my ideas, beliefs and emotions."
"I know that on an authentic level I love creating fashion photography. Initially I felt conflicted about being attracted to a medium that seemed all surface and no substance because I see myself as an artist with very strong political and moral ideologies."
"Whenever I create my conceptual works, I have a strong message and idea that I'm communicating. These ideas goes far beyond just trying to sell a product or make someone look beautiful. They are conversations about the future, consumerism, dreams and spirituality. What I discovered as my work gathered momentum was that it was this philosophy that set me apart from my peers and helped develop a unique relationship with my audience. I believe strongly that my role is to bring back meaning and depth into fashion photography - and in the process inspire others to be themselves. Everyone should have permission to express their true selves."
"Usually an event or moment in real life will trigger an idea in my head. I mediate on how I feel about the subject - even if it's unresolved. Sometimes it's about starting a conversation as opposed to arguing a perspective. I then think about how I could explore these ideas in an image. Each element must have a reason for existing and lend itself to the final image. The styling, the casting, the hair and makeup all must contribute to the concept. I then pull together the team with instructions on how each element is to look, then capture the picture either in location or studio. In post production I then perfect the elements and manipulate the images to add a surreal element that brings the final piece together."
See Me and Squarespace are proud to present the story of Thom Kerr.
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