
So I want to talk about nothing and at the same time everything.
I’m interested in what happens at point zero of an XY axis. This is the origin of where most patterns get formed, in nature, and in math. Thus XYZero.
Rhythm and patterns – set arrangements of what is and what’s not, ones and zeros if you will – that makes up everything that surrounds us.
That hiccup in time, in space - that anomaly that tore the space fabric apart and caused the Big Bang - that sound - that vibration - is a pattern signature that resides in all matter - and at the center lies Zero.
Without Zero there is no entity to follow, the same way light cannot exist without darkness.
The layers of patterns that cloak the earth blind our eyes to reality, as patterns are so infused within our very being that it permeates everything – and thus becomes unseen –a ‘hidden’ reality.
Imagine an XY axis in 3 dimensional space - with both X an Y dimensions having a mirror image of themselves – with .0 as a “drift” anchor. Dot zero resides at the center – the starting point of the “Big Bang.” Being at the center of this model, with no fix in time and space, zero has no beginning or end. Zero is eternal and infinite. A circle. A mathematical singular entity, or one, always follows on Zero – be it of a positive or negative value. The space-time value between Zero and one is what gives shape and form to patterns.
If infinity has a genesis it would be 0. It would make zero the universal constant. It sits at the cusp of now. It is space dancing with time. It is our sunrise and sunset. It is the drumbeat between vocal chord and eardrum. It is the silence between words. It is the pause between movements and expression of thought. It provides us with meaning. It makes us dance. It is the manifestation of our humanity.
Through centuries many artists have intuitively been inspired by patterns and geometry in nature, such as in African Art, Beads, and also structurally diversely used in music, such as in African music, the Classics, Rock, and modern-day Drum&Base, Trip Hop, Hip Hop, etc.
XYZero inspires my art, ceramics, poetry, painting, drawing, photography, textile designs, and demonstrates nature, “unzipped.”
— XYZero