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yalda sepahpour

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yalda sepahpour

"Art is a way that I can express myself freely. When I decided to do it as a career and study it at school, I was able to get to know myself better. I have become much more confident in expressing myself freely."

"I cannot imagine myself working in an office everyday. When you decide to do art as your career, well, there is a lot of risk. There is a lot of competition and you never know what your annual income will be (at least if you aren't very popular). But that is what is so beautiful about it. Everyday is different. One month you might be selling a lot but the next you may have nothing. But at the end of the day you are doing what you love. And it might take some time for you to get where you want to be. But if you never give up and keep pushing yourself, there is no way you will be unsuccessful."

"I want to be able to create a connection with my viewers whether they enjoy my work or despise it. There is beauty to what people take from your work and how they relate to it because of their personal experiences. They may see something in your work that you had not even thought of. It is absolutely fascinating."

"The inspiration depends on my situation, my mood and my location. But in general I love imperfection. That is what I portray in a lot of my work such as my sketches. You have to make a quick decision when you are doing the one line artwork. And you have to use those imperfect lines in the middle as a tool and as a part of your composition.I start with one point and finish the line work with my signature which is a continuation of the line."

"For the pieces with color it all comes with the experimenting and trying something new. For example: The liberation piece has hot glue used in the background and on top of the characters."

"Works such as the self portraits are mainly sticking to some rules about shadow and light relationship and color matching from a photo reference."

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