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Ronny García Motón

Guest User
Ronny García Motón

"I found some picture on Internet that changed the perspective I had about photography and also showed me that I could create whatever I wanted without limits, that I could make my own worlds that I was the owner of my own story and that I was allow to create them as I imagined it."

"Well I started photography around 2 years and half ago, never though I could be into the photograph (honestly never got interested on that), but you know since we are all connected is not difficult to find something that hit you up and suddenly inspires you to create (this is what happened to me)..."

"In my pictures I create surreal and magics words that are on my mind, using myself or other people and that through photography I can show them. I create because this is what makes me happy, I don't know it you ever felt that emotion when you fall in love and you see that person and you body shakes, it is exactly the feelings that move me to create. Honestly my process is very simple, but first all start with the idea that come in any moment ( when I'm listening music, reading a book, watching a movie or any situation), then I draw it or write it and after that I find all the stuff I need to make the picture, after that is just the post processing and that's all."

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