Nerissa Bardfeld


Nerissa Bardfeld

“Movement and mystery are elements, among a myriad of elements, that I am inclined to explore in my relationship to all of life.  How movement exists in nature, people, animals, earth, the elements, the mind, the heart, and the spirit.

It's my hope that my experience is transmitted through my work, and that it becomes a shared experience with the viewer. Painting is a means of becoming one with my fellows and they with me and with each other: all the arts are a means of communicating with the world at large”.

Painter Marcia Haufrecht grew up in New York City and began her artistic career in performance arts, including dance, theater, and directing. In addition to painting, Haufrecht recently wrote and directed a short film, “Full Moon and High Tide in the Ladies Room", and currently teaches Masterclasses at the New School University.