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"He who does not think his way does not think at all".

Wolfgang Bellingradts extensive artistic work encloses the disciplines, painting, drawing, and installation and is known to a wide audience by national and international exhibitions and publications. His main themes are based on the philosophy and human beings. For 35 years he concerns with one central subject: the human being, it's struggling for cognition and knowledge, it`s action and activities, and: the consequences originating from these. Sensitively the artist looks at the impulses and motivations of human behavior, on progress, attempts, errors, and mistakes. When his work puts provoking questions after the sense of the life it steps in a personal relation to its observer.

"Already at the age of 16 years, I decided to become an artist. The large library of my parents confronted me with great philosophers who had aroused my interest. In addition, there were artist biographies that inspired me to visually translate what I had read. Over time, my own life, experiences, and insights found their way into my painting and I was no longer satisfied with superficial answers, I wanted to get to the bottom of things. The VIEW BEHIND became a defining characteristic in the theme of my work. But not only contents were important, but also the complex dealing with forms and colors, which also had an aesthetic appeal for me. Where words fail, painting begins. Painting pictures is visualized thinking for me".
