Michela Amadei

Michela Amadei
“Her story is my story. Is our story. What I think and feel about it is expressed so well in this sentence of Marcella Serrano : "A woman is the story of her actions and her thoughts, of cells and neurons, of wounded and excited, of love and disarray. A woman is inevitably the story of her womb, of the seeds that became fertile, or that were not fertilized, or that ceased to be so, and of the moment, unrepeatable, in which she transforms herself into a goddess. A woman is the story of smallness, banality, daily tasks, is the sum of the unsaid. A woman is always the story of many men. A woman is the story of her country, of her people. And it is the story of its roots and its origin, of all the women who are fed by others that preceded them so that she was born: a woman is the story of her blood. But it is also the story of a conscience and its inner struggles. A woman is the story of a utopia."
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