Angelica Munoz


Angelica Munoz

A Fusion of Classical Elegance and Contemporary Reflection

Josefina Soriano de Teresa stands as a beacon within figurative art, weaving intricate narratives that bridge the chasm between ancient wisdom and modern consciousness. Her artistic oeuvre reverberates with an unparalleled resonance, channeling the ethereal beauty of Classical sculpture into a poignant reflection of the human condition.

At the core of Soriano's artistic essence lies a profound appreciation for the human form, a reverence for its beauty, and an unwavering dedication to exploring the depths of the human spirit. Her work serves as a conduit, transporting viewers through time and space, inviting introspection, contemplation, and self-discovery.

Akin to the sculptors of antiquity, Soriano's craft embodies a masterful grasp of the human body, harnessing its grace and vitality to articulate emotions and narratives that transcend temporal boundaries. Her pieces are infused with symbolism drawn from Roman and Greek mythology, skillfully recontextualizing classical elements into a contemporary framework that speaks to the modern soul.

Josefina Soriano de Teresa, “ Venus Wearing Isis”

"I am captivated by the beauty and complexity of the human body, and the inherent sensuality of Classical sculpture deeply inspires me," expresses Soriano.

Her artistry gracefully navigates the delicate balance between the sensual and the philosophical, evoking emotions that resonate on multiple levels. The timeless adage, "Know Thyself," weaves its way through her creations, serving as a guiding light illuminating the corridors of self-reflection within her audience.

Soriano's thematic repertoire boldly champions gender equity and the emancipation of women. Her artwork serves as a powerful conduit to highlight the struggles faced by women, employing allegorical nuances to address issues such as sensuality, inequality, and societal constraints. Each piece is a symphony of emotion and intellect, a testament to her unwavering dedication to provoke thought and spark conversations.

Josefina Soriano de Teresa, “Athena Wearing Amazonian War Paint”

Educationally grounded with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in computer graphics from The University of Texas-Pan American, Soriano's artistic journey has been enriched through mentorship under internationally recognized artists. Her expertise extends beyond creation as she imparts wisdom through advanced art classes, nurturing budding talents in painting, color theory, mixed media, and figure drawing.

The Museo de Arte San Pedro has aptly noted the fusion of classical elegance with contemporary awareness within Soriano's works. Her art is a mirror reflecting the complexities of the modern world, entwined seamlessly with the timeless allure of antiquity. Each stroke of her brush, each fragment of reimagined sculpture, beckons viewers to traverse the landscapes of introspection and emotional resonance.

Josefina Soriano de Teresa's artistic legacy transcends mere representation; it is an invitation—an invitation to delve into the labyrinthine corridors of the human psyche, to explore the nuanced interplay between ancient wisdom and contemporary consciousness, and to partake in a visual symphony that resonates eternally.

Josefina Soriano de Teresa, “Athena Wearing the Dragon”

Learn More About Josefina Soriano HERE